Sunday, August 16, 2009

Coffee house encore

Two year hiatus? Apparently so...

I just read through all my posts I had written in the past (all few of them that there are), and it's really interesting to see what you were doing two years ago. Part of it seems like it was just yesterday, while other parts of it make it seem like another lifetime completely. Strange to see at least. I guess that's part of what motivated me to post back now. Plus the initial reason of starting this blog to vent out to myself.

It's strange with all these "social networking" sites that are out now. You have your facebook, and myspace, and twitter, and blogs, and... it's insane how many audiences there are out there. Sometimes it's your friends, now it's your family. Then there's LinkedIn for you professional network. It just drives me crazy how many different people you have to appear to be. It's hard to customize your appearance to all the different audiences that after a while you have to re-figure out who you are and what you 'really' think and feel. I guess that's another incentive to do this. I have no idea who reads this, so I can legitmately be me. I hope so, at least.

I'm relaxing at this coffee house right now for my standard "Sunday Productivity" day... At the end of a crazy and typically unproductive weekend, I need to get out of my apartment, get away from the people I know, and clear my head and get things done. I feel like I could drink 17 gallons of water and still not be feeling like a champion though... Maybe I need to go relax in a dark movie theatre and enjoy a movie or two.. so much for productivity.

There was this girl here a while ago that I kept catching eyes with. Cute girl- kind of the eclectic and individualistic type, which I'm all about. Well, my heads spinning from weekend fatigue and the 3 cups of caffeine I've been consuming and I couldn't concentrate on anything. I sat over by her for a while (excuse to be by an outlet for my laptop, gaw I'm such a loser, haha) and couldn't do anything past intro conversation. We were both on laptops and I was legitimatly trying to do some work, but couldn't concentrate on anything, and... that was that. Would have been a great opportunity to meet someone different at least, but I couldn't manage the confident or creativity to continue a conversation. I can run my mouth to anybody just about anytime, and I'm usually great at meeting new people, but... I guess I'm just worthless right now.

So i re-up my blog to acquaint with people online since apparently I can't in person. +2 pts for me. fucking joke.

I think I've made my encore post make me look like a really clutch guy. solid. Well, regardless of what it makes me look like, apparently that's who I am right now..

I hope that girl randomly comes back, though

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