Sunday, August 23, 2009

Empty Frames (girls will hate this post)

I really need to buckle down and hold out for a hard girl worth my time. I've been so consumed in the market of being impatient and requiring instant gratification lately that I've probably missed more valuable opportunities worth my time. I need to just need to clearly define my objectives to myself, and then make them clear to some of these girls. The truth is, I am not wanting anything serious with these people. Don't get me wrong - I don't think that I'm manipulating them to think that those are my intentions, but I should probably make it very clear for both of us. I think if I can clean up a little bit - by putting things that don't belong in their right place (AND keeping them there!) then I would be more able to fill properly fill that space.

There's this really nice picture frame in my living room. I'm talking gold-rimmed, glass plated (err, i'm starting to realize how very little I know about frame characteristics), but you get the point... this is a fancy nice thing! Now, I have the intention of putting the nices painting/ picture in this frame, but I don't have one yet, so it's empty. I get uncomfortable with it being empty, so I grab some random scraps or put something together as a temporary fix. I put this in the frame to fill the space and for the time, I feel a little bit more comfortable about it there. You would rather have something behind the frame, than nothing, right?? Well... dillema. Having these temporary fixes in there has really turned my attention from my initial point to get an appropriate painting for it! After a while... I'm not even LOOKING anymore. I'm just satisfied w/ having it un-empty. fuckkkk that! I have higher standards and expectations than that, but the issue is.... apparently I haven't lately.

Now don't me wrong again, because I don't want to put any of these people down - but for one reason or another (maybe just for the reason of my intentions), these are not the people meant to fit that spot. And I would like to fix that.

83% chance that any female user who read this just blocked me.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Love the analogy! I'm totally on the same page as you, though I think you might already know that. It seems that culture in the last 30 years or so, has taught us that instant gratification is the way to go and that has created a generation of people who don't seem to value something meaningful. It's pretty tragic.