Tuesday, August 18, 2009

On & On

I revise my previous intentions from "daily" updating to "frequently" updating. Because, well, let's be reasonable.

School has kicked in, and I'm literally aching to get out already. I'm in my last semester, and I feel so prepared already to head out into the real world to start working, making money, and doing productive things - while instead I'm cashing in tuition expenses and reading textbooks that I feel like I've covered 8x by now. School's fantastic at introducing you to concepts; however, actual learning and education comes on your own accord - by your own will. At least my $0.02...

I haven't dusted my camera off in months. I feel like such a waste with ~$2500 worth of camera equipment in a bag next to my bed that I rarely use anymore. There's no way in hell I can part with that shit, because on those infrequent moments that I do need them - they're unbeatable. Plus... they're just mine. And that's that. I really need to pull it out again and start shooting. Maybe even post an occasional "frequent" photo too.

I haven't player poker in a while either. Referring back tot he first paragraph, school is dominating my funds, and you simply can't gamble when you're short on funds... at least, it's not a smart idea. (Unless... ), ha, no.

Well, I'm supposedly going to be busy as a fucking [insert creative analogy] these next few weeks, but I'm hoping somehting interesting will shine on, so I can have some legit experiences and stuff to write about. Otherwise, you'll have to read worthless shit like this in abundance.


1 comment:

Vanessa said...

I hate that I never have enough time for my hobbies. School really cramps your style.

ps - thanks for the comment. It's nice to know that I'm not completely alone with my thinking these days. And sometimes it seems difficult to maintain my optimism . . .