Monday, February 22, 2010

life: a matter of perspective

I have two credit cards, now. I never had any during college; I figured it didn't make much sense to compile easy debt when I had zero means to pay for it (that's what student loans are for, I think). But now I have them, and I think I'm scaringly astonished by their magic. It's like the same thing as using a debit card, without the deductions from your bank account. Right? Yah, well... I'll see the other side of it when I have to 'actually' pay for it.

So, I have two credit cards. And I have a job. And I drive to work every day. even tomorrow. I know I went all through this last time, but I'm still not over the whole thing. The whole "grown up" routine thing, that is. Blegh, I think I'm making too big of a deal about it - kind of fun though.

Ironic though. Ironic is probably the wrong word here, so... I'll adjust it to "a weird translation of perspective". Yes, 'ironic' was shorter. I went out last Saturday to meet a friend up for a few drinks, and we were talking to some girls, and to them 23 was young. Ha... what? I guess to a 25-27 year old, 23 is young. But, at the same time, to a 20-21 year old in college, 23 is old. But here comes the question: what about to a 23 year old... Then what am I? Well, I'll still just settle for the answer of 'here'.

I get paid Friday! First paycheck. First signing bonus. First time in the last ~4 years I'll actually have some money. Want to hear some more fun irony: it's also the first time in the last ~4 years that I've got lots planned out to pay for. Insurance, student loans, all my rent, bills, utilities, payments promised back to my parents for recent things etc etc etc.

Oh man, this wheel never stops. Sometimes, I guess you just keep on rolling.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

personally, i'm looking forward to the responsibility. there's something very satisfying about striking out on my own. it's scary, and very uncertain, for me at the moment but i'm loving every second of it.

your comment made me smile. the hockey game was epic, and it was the first time i've ever watched a game from start to finish. every day canada is sucking the american-ness right outta me. i might have to move back . . .

as for dinner, if you're ever in the neighborhood, i can offer you all the best recommendations :)